By Jake Owensby

“It made me remember what kind of human I long to be—and why I can’t quit Jesus. Read A Resurrection-Shaped Life and fall in love again with God—and with hope.” —Diana Butler Bass, author of Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks
In A Resurrection Shaped Life: Dying and Rising on Planet Earth, Bishop Jake Owensby leads us through a re-examination of the biblical concept of resurrection and explains how we can begin to experience resurrection in our ordinary life on earth through honest reflection, repentance, and forgiveness to a new life of self-acceptance.
“Christ is risen! And yet sorrow, anger, shame, and failure, writes Jake Owensby in this generous book, are also part of every resurrection. He tenderly shows us how to enter, just as we are, into Jesus’ promise of new life.” —Sara Miles, author of Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion; Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead, and City of God: Faith in the Streets
“Too often, as we attempt to live out the Christian narrative, we use the resurrection to slap a smiling face onto our bitter mourning. Bishop Jacob Owensby allows the grief to break and form us, which brings startling insight to our resurrected beliefs.” —Rev. Carol Howard Merritt, pastor and author of Healing Spiritual Wounds
“If you’re looking for a beautiful book that infuses the lovingkindness of Jesus with the realness of our humanity, this is the book for you!” —Kaitlin Curtice, author of Glory Happening: Finding the Divine in Everyday Places
“Spirituality does not rescue us from the world but sends us smack-dab into its midst to serve those with greatest need. Faith has political consequences. Owensby dares to love the world, all of it, as God loves it.” —Louie Crew Clay, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University
“Hope is more than optimism. Hope is knowing that God is making out of the mess of life something honest, beautiful, and transforming. Life is shaped like Resurrection. What a thrilling wonder! Thanks Jake for the reminder.” —The Right Rev. Robert C. Wright, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta